Alkalay Moty




“I reminded myself that I was there to share the most important truth I know, that the biggest prison is in your own mind, and in your pocket you already hold the key: accepting and loving yourself for who you really are- human, imperfect and whole.”

My name is Moty Alkalay and I’m 42 years old. I was born and raised in Israel and earned my undergraduate degree in Tel-Aviv in ‘Behavioural Science’. I graduated in ‘Counseling Psychology' in the city of Pécs, Hungary in the summer of 2020 and practiced during the program both individual and couple counseling. I’m fluent in both English and Hebrew and I practice in both languages. I intend to use 'Psychodynamic’ and ‘Humanistic’ approaches to help individuals with various struggles and challenges such as relationship difficulties, living in a foreign country, maintaining a multicultural relationship, grief, relational traumas, work-related challenges et cet. I hold a liberal agenda and intend to work with people from different backgrounds such as foreigners, the LGBTQIA community, and others. I'm open-minded, compassionate, and respectful towards my clients. I use the attachment theory as a helpful tool and emphasize the gravity of building a healthy therapeutic relationship between me and the client. All those, are to confront the client's early relational traumas and oppose them with new corrective experiences.

képzései és képesítései

Bachelor's Degree in Behavioural Sciences

The Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yafo, Israel


The program was divided into Psychology and Sociology, which gave me the scope to understand human behavior from both social and individual perspectives

Master's Degree in Counselling and School- Psychology

The University of Pécs, Hungary


The program was divided into counseling and school- psychology. During the program, I had the opportunity to broaden my knowledge of various aspects of psychological mechanisms and the strength of talk therapy.

szakmai tapasztalat


'Eitanim' psyichiateic hospital


got the opportunity to work with teenagers with mental disorders such as borderline and schizophrenia and broaden my understanding of psychopathology.

Practicum in Individual Counselling


During the practicum, I met with students' clients and learned how to help them manage the difficulties in their lives such as crises, periods of transition, and relational traumas.

Practicum in Couple Counselling


As part of the practicum, I tried to help couples manage their marital problems by developing healthier communication methods and learning how to express their needs and emotions better.

Practicum in School Psychology


During the practicum, I observed kids' behavior in a school setting and learned in a more systemic way how to help the educational system develop healthy protocols and prevention programs that promote positive psychology, and reduce bullying and social injustice.

beszélt nyelvek











Szigorú szakmai felügyelet

Minden pszichológusunk szoros szakmai szupervízió mellett fogadja klienseit. Szakembereink munkáját hétről hétre Magyarország legtapasztaltabb pszichoterapeutái felügyelik és segítik. Ennek köszönhetően, aki mindset pszichológushoz jár, valójában egy magasan képzett szakmai team mellett teszi le a voksát.

A háttérben tehát kliensünk problémájának megoldásán egy egész szakembergárda dolgozik – természetesen mindezt kliensünk anonimitásának megőrzése mellett. Ezáltal a hozzánk fordulóknak minden esetben ellenőrzött szakmai kereteket és magas színvonalat biztosítunk.

Miben segíthetünk?

Ha nehéz élethelyzetbe kerültél és úgy érzed, segítségre lenne szükséged, vagy esetleg csak érdeklődnél szolgáltatásainkkal kapcsolatban, írj nekünk, és mi felvesszük veled a kapcsolatot. Bátran keress minket telefonon is!

Jelentkezz be telefonon!

+36 70 329 8180